glqha.gif - 9294 BytesGreat Lakes Quarter Horse Association
5811 Evergreen St.
Midland, MI 48642
(989) 835-5815
Additional Contacts:
Tony Cunningham (616) 915-1437
Tammy Lewis (616) 696-1032

Dear Horsemen:

     As many of you know, GLQHA is the official horsemen's group for horses running at Mt. Pleasant Meadows.
The Office of the Racing Commissioner has requested that our Board revise the way payment to the track is made.
For the past several years, payment has been released from the purse pool monies by GLQHA on a designated
schedule directly to MPM.

     For the 2008 season, the ORC has advised that the track fee must be transferred from the horsemen's accounts.
To comply, the GLQHA Board has determined that $600 will be paid to Mt. Pleasant Meadows for each race (except
stakes finals) in the following manner:

     - An additional $600 will be made available from the purse pool monies for each race.
     - After the race is run, the $600 will be added to the accounts of the first, second, third and fourth place finishers
        and immediately transferred to Mt. Pleasant Meadows as follows:
          * $300 out of the winner's account;
          * $150 out of the second place finisher's account;
          * $90 out of the third place finisher's account;
          * $60 out of the fourth place finisher's account.
     - The purse for the race will then be distributed to the finishers.

     In addition, each person running a horse and/or listed as an account owner at Mt. Pleasant Meadows will be required to
sign an agreement to have these monies transferred from their accounts. If an agreement is not signed, Mt, Pleasant
Meadows has the right to refuse to let your horse run and will in all likelihood exercise that right. We are enclosing
the MPM agreement and request that you sign it and return to Mt. Pleasant Meadows, P.O. Box 220, Mt. Pleasant,
MI 48804-0220.

     Please keep in mind that this change in the payment process of the track fee does not effect our purse structure.
This payment has always been made to the track via an Agreement between MPM and GLQHA, and the fee is
discussed at the general membership meetings in January.

     If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We hope to see you on opening day!

Great Lakes Quarter Horse Association Board of Directors